Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

My little girl became a mother the day before Easter. She gave birth to my beautiful new grandson (and the first!), London Anthony Simpson. As Mother's Day approaches each year I often find myself thinking of my mother. Memories of her sweet smile and infectious laugh, gentle caring and wondrous cooking all make me smile. Wish I had paid better attention to how she made those pies with the fluffy crusts! Also, there are the memories of a rebellious teenager, fighting her mother for her own identity and freedom, believing she knew all she needed to know, ignoring the advice her mother so gently tried to give.

My mind then wanders to my own journey of motherhood, and I pander the joys and tribulations of raising my daughter. Not the same, yet not so different. I see her as the light of my life. Did my mom see me the same way? I believe so.

I have watched my daughter the last two weeks grow into motherhood. Tears have often come to my eyes as I watch her caress her newborn son, worry over his slightest cry and hear her delightful laugh as he makes a face or wiggles in protest of the 1,000 kiss she has placed on his forehead that day. A little giggle wells up as I think of the many times she will wonder if it is all worth it. You know those days when your little angel is not such an angel, struggling to be their own unique self, even when mom says no.

I sigh as I confirm to myself that the journey has been a great one of learning and growing for me, as well as my mother and my daughter. Motherhood is the greatest journey of all! Happy Mother's Day to all!

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