Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cat Days of Summer...where did they go?

Ah, the blissful days of summer. It does not seem so long ago when I enjoyed my summers basking in the warm sun, or the calming effect of digging in the soil as I gardened, followed by ending the day sitting on the patio, sipping tea, watching the sun go down as the crickets chirped to a relaxing beat. Much like my cat does now!

This year summer has been more like a marathon. It began with my free time focused on learning the marketing aspects of the internet and how to create a blog. I was so excited to see my blog up and running! I became involved in several Etsy teams and found new friends and exciting new ideas. Then suddenly I was blessed with a brand new grandson, my first!

Lost was the focus on the internet and all the new things I wanted to learn. I had a better focus….holding that special little gift from God, experiencing the enveloping love of being a grandmother, and the joy of watching little London grow. The first time he smiled in recognition of my face was heaven on Earth. His first giggle was like the sound of angels in song. Lost in time and pure joy, was I, as the weeks passed.

Coming back down to Earth I set myself once again to creating my jewelry and refocused on my Etsy shop. Then came an invitation to participate in the Craft Lake City show here in Salt Lake City. So I reserved a space and set my creative juices to designing a table display, creating signs, business cards and all the things one needs to have to do a show. Thus the marathon began.

I had a fun time selling at the Craft Lake City show and gleamed more requests to participate in other upcoming events. Sales were great, new friends were made and now I am off and running to prepare for two more events when my arms are not curled around my little London.

No basking in the sun. Gardening…well there is always next summer. Crickets…I can still hear them from the open window in the evening as I twist my wire and sort through my gemstones. This summer may have seemed to go fast, but it was enjoyable. Next year I hope to find that delicate balance between the cat days of summer and the marathon…time with my grandson, tending my garden, playing in the sun, creating my jewelry, selling and meeting new friends and a big cup of tea on the patio to ponder the day.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Where does the time go???

Oh my gosh....last post April 27th...I am still dedicated to learning all I can about selling on the world wide web....but life has thrown me into a busy grandbaby to babysit, fulltime day job, getting the yard caught up after weeks of rain, creating jewelry, emailing new friends, monitoring my Etsy shop, then add reading how to do all of this better and I seem to get very little done. Guess I better look into some new time management skills!

It has all been great though (except the day job ...that's work). Getting to know my little grandson and watching him grow has been a joy. He is the cutest person on Earth! My daughter has turned out to be such a great mom and his dad is so gentle and patient with him. That is what life is all about!

I sold my first item in my Etsy shop. That had me doing the happy dance all day. Then I had to figure out just what to do next...checked to make sure payment was in..and noticed a "print shipping label" button in my paypal account. Click, click, type, type and there it was. All I had to do was place it on the package and mail. But, how to wrap the bracelet....thought about some of the items I had purchased and which ones were fun to open. Off to find a silky bag, and some lace....printed an invoice (also found that on paypal) and made a handwritten card telling the seller thanks for being my first customer on Etsy. It was all so easy! More, more....I want more. Back to waiting...creating, posting and between holding my little London!

Promise to self: Do some time management.....make time to work on my blog.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

My little girl became a mother the day before Easter. She gave birth to my beautiful new grandson (and the first!), London Anthony Simpson. As Mother's Day approaches each year I often find myself thinking of my mother. Memories of her sweet smile and infectious laugh, gentle caring and wondrous cooking all make me smile. Wish I had paid better attention to how she made those pies with the fluffy crusts! Also, there are the memories of a rebellious teenager, fighting her mother for her own identity and freedom, believing she knew all she needed to know, ignoring the advice her mother so gently tried to give.

My mind then wanders to my own journey of motherhood, and I pander the joys and tribulations of raising my daughter. Not the same, yet not so different. I see her as the light of my life. Did my mom see me the same way? I believe so.

I have watched my daughter the last two weeks grow into motherhood. Tears have often come to my eyes as I watch her caress her newborn son, worry over his slightest cry and hear her delightful laugh as he makes a face or wiggles in protest of the 1,000 kiss she has placed on his forehead that day. A little giggle wells up as I think of the many times she will wonder if it is all worth it. You know those days when your little angel is not such an angel, struggling to be their own unique self, even when mom says no.

I sigh as I confirm to myself that the journey has been a great one of learning and growing for me, as well as my mother and my daughter. Motherhood is the greatest journey of all! Happy Mother's Day to all!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

So Much to Learn . . .

And so many great places on the web to learn! I have set off to learn how to use this wonderous social networking and I find there is no end to the education and tips you can find on the web. I have been so busy learning I have neglected posting (and must admit making jewelry for my shop has stalled). My Dad used to say that you can learn anything by reading. He was a book worm to say the least. I smile as I realize, years later I must agree with him (this rebel child did not want to read).
A sight I have been engrossed in today is It has a wealth tips on blogging, twitter, web marketing and more. Those of you learning this social networking and marketing might want to check it out, but will get lost in time! Another site that has become a favorite of mine is Timothy Adam is quite a guru to many who want to sell their handmade items online.
My only warning about all this internet research is beware, there is an addictive side to it. Many a night I have looked up at the clock only to find it is morning!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Charmony Designs Artisan Jewelry

Hi! My name is Char. This is the first post of what I hope to be many enjoyable hours posting and sharing thoughts on the harmony of being in the moment of creating something beautiful. I am excited to document my journey through setting up of my etsy shop, learning about marketing, building a jewelry studio in my basement and just living life. Along the way I look forward to meeting new people.

I have always enjoyed creating things as long as I can remember. As a curious and active child of 5 my mother taught me to embroider (to keep me still, and out of trouble). She would trace pictures from my coloring books onto muslin blocks and I would embroider the outlines with bright colors of string. Years later my grandmother sent me a beautiful handmade quilt. Imagine my suprise when I recognized all the little blocks of fabric with cute little pictures hand me! Realizing I had helped in creating that beautiful quilt filled me with such joy. I still cherish that quilt and the lesson of pride I learned that year. May I pass it forward...

So, here is to a new journey.